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Tailored condition monitoring and lubrication training...
CBM Partner’s qualified and experienced Condition Monitoring and Lubrication consultants utilise our own benchmark audit tools to help you identify areas for improvement.   The audit tools enable you to objectively rank actual site status against best-practice.  The benchmark report prioritises gaps by value, ease of implementation and risk; providing an important basis for your improvement program.

Introduction to Effective Lubrication

A practical approach to reliability centred lubrication training.  Based on ICML standards our courses are tailored to suit client’s needs. 

The one-day program provides an overview of what a best practice lubrication program looks like and delivers a framework to help develop a site improvement plan.

Our two-day course goes into more detail including case study dissemination and hands-on improvement planning exercises.

Introduction to Condition Based Maintenance

This short course is an introduction to CBM for maintenance managers and those involved but not carrying out condition monitoring themselves.  It includes an overview of CM techniques (Vibration, Oil Analysis, IR Thermography, Ultrasound) and how they are effectively selected to optimise fault finding & failure eradication.

Suitable for maintenance professionals considering first steps into developing a predictive maintenance strategy or wishing to review their current CM program’s effectiveness

Condition Monitoring Practitioner

Aimed at technicians/engineers whose role includes, but is not focused on, condition monitoring. 

This is a practical course delivering hands-on monitoring and first-pass data analysis for vibration based CM.

The CM appreciation program is an excellent and low cost precursor to investing in accredited training courses.  Here we introduce BINDT CAT I concepts, delivering practical learning, helping gain buy-in from maintenance technicians and helping maintenance management identify & develop personnel with a passion for condition monitoring.

Condition Monitoring Technician

Aimed at technicians whose key tasks include condition monitoring.  This course covers the BINDT CAT I body of work and includes a course exam and certificate.

Delegates will obtain an overview of all CM techniques including Vibration Analysis, Oil Analysis, IR Thermography and Ultrasound.  They will get hands-on experience of using data collectors, carrying out first-pass analysis and producing reports.

Positive change comes from effective learning...